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Omega Replica Watch

The first deviation was to use the more recent AP calibre 3126/3840. The original Offshore was equipped with a JLC movement and a Dubois Depraz module. The watch was required to have a caseback that could be opened because the reissue would be equipped with AP's workhorse.

The buckle was another difference. The buckle on the original 25721 ST could be a bit difficult to unlatch. A newer, more refined buckle was used in the limited edition 2013.

On the caseback, the last distinguishing feature was the addition of a number out of 20. It was decided that Revolution's limited-edition timepieces would never feature a banal co-branding.Omega Replica Instead, it would be a subtle, secretive, and meaningful way to brand the watches.

The watch was unveiled later that year at a dinner for 20 guests, hosted by Omega Replica. All 20 watches were snapped up by the guests in attendance. The watch has since gained a cult following.

We've learned today that, despite the fact that we are only a few weeks away from the AP ROO's actual 25th anniversary, the manufacturer has announced a reissue of the 1993 reference 26237 ST for the SIHH next year. The reference 26237 ST will have all the attributes of the 1993 version, including the engraved,IWC Replica Watches closed caseback. The only difference will be in the calibre, 3126/3840. And, of course, the bracelet clasp.

The current state of affairs leaves the world with 20 unique versions The Beast -- numbered, with the see-through caseback created in collaboration by Revolution -- to be held as a milestone in the life of the AP ROO. We at Revolution will be forever grateful to Omega Replica for allowing us to become so intertwined in their 142-year history of watchmaking.

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